Minimum Wage: Utomi advises FG and organized labor

Title: Negotiation: Utomi Advises and Organised Labour Find Common Ground

As negotiation for a new national minimum wage continues, Prof. Pat Utomi, a renowned political economist, has urged the Federal and the Organised Labour to find a mutually acceptable solution. The negotiation has been ongoing since the Tripartite Committee on New National Minimum Wage was established in November 2017.

In a recent interview, Utomi emphasized the need for both parties to be flexible and considerate of each other's positions. He noted that the government's offer of N62,000 and the labour's demand of N250,000 are not too far apart, and with good faith and commitment, a compromise can be reached.

Utomi also highlighted the importance of considering the economic implications of the new minimum wage on both the government and the private sector. He stressed that the goal should be to find a solution that benefits all parties involved, including workers, employers, and the economy as a whole.

The negotiation has been adjourned several due to a lack of consensus, with the organised private sector aligning with the government's offer of N62,000. However, Utomi remains optimistic that a resolution can be reached soon.

In his words, “With a willingness to listen and understand each other's perspectives, I we can find a solution that works for everyone. It's to put the interests of the nation and its citizens .”

As the negotiation continues, all eyes are on the Federal Government and the Organised Labour to reach a compromise that will benefit the Nigerian workers and the economy at large.

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